1. Laravel CMS & eCommerce Website Solutions

  2. Customized API Development Solution

  3. Ecommerce Development

  4. Development of Laravel Extension

  5. Laravel CRM Development

  6. Ongoing Maintenance & Support

  7. Speed enhancement & Data Migration

{ our services }

Customized Laravel Development

we leverage Laravel's robust framework to ensure seamless functionality and top-notch performance. We develop custom-made Laravel web applications integrating the best in class functionalities and features with the help of our proffessional Laravel developers.

Our expert team have deep understanding in PHP frameworks and allied technologies, which is crucial for building a customer friendly user experience, and give a stunning web experience and delightful web apps with high performance.

MVC Architecture

Laravel Nova

Laravel Livewire

Laravel Lumen

{ our services }

Laravel Ecommerce Development Solution

Our Laravel Ecommerce Development Solution is your gateway to a powerful and feature-rich online store. With our expertise, we create fully customized ecommerce platforms using Laravel, one of the most robust and secure PHP frameworks.

We offer a seamless shopping experience for your customers, complete with responsive design, secure payment gateways, and a user-friendly admin panel for easy management.

Elevate your ecommerce game with our Laravel Development Solution today!

{ our services }

Laravel Restful API Development

Our Laravel Restful API Development service offers a cutting-edge solution for businesses seeking to build robust, scalable, and efficient APIs.

Our skilled team of Laravel developers specializes in creating Laravel API packages, which can be used to create powerful and feature-rich RESTful solutions. With these APIs, you can easily connect with third-party services to reach your audience effectively.

you can expect secure, well-documented, and high-performance APIs that streamline data exchange, enhance user experiences.

{ our services }

Laravel Development Service

Our Laravel Maintenance and Support service is here to ensure your Laravel-based web applications run smoothly and securely. With regular updates, bug fixes, and performance enhancements, we keep your Laravel application in top shape, reducing downtime and potential vulnerabilities.

Our dedicated team of Laravel experts is available around the clock to provide assistance and resolve any issues that may arise.

Staying abreast of Laravel packages and their evolving dependencies is essential to keep your projects running smoothly in this ever-evolving ecosystem.

{ our services }

Laravel Extension Development

Our Laravel Extension Development service is your key to unlocking the full potential of your Laravel-based applications.

With a team of experienced developers, we can tailor extensions to your specific needs, enhancing the functionality and features of your Laravel application. Whether it's custom modules, integrations, or enhancements, we ensure that the extensions seamlessly integrate with your existing system, providing you with a tailored solution.

{ our services }

Laravel Migration and Upgradation

Our Laravel Migration and Upgradation service is your solution for keeping your Laravel applications up-to-date and running smoothly.

With the ever-evolving Laravel framework, staying current is essential to ensure security, performance, and compatibility with the latest features. Our experienced team specializes in seamless migrations and upgrades, making the process hassle-free for you.

Whether you need to move to a newer Laravel version or migrate your app to a different server, We are here for you!


Laravel Development Service

we leverage Laravel's robust framework to ensure seamless functionality and top-notch performance. We develop custom-made Laravel web applications integrating the best in class functionalities and features with the help of our proffessional Laravel developers.

MVC Architecture

Laravel Nova

Laravel Livewire

Laravel Lumen

Our Laravel Ecommerce Development Solution is your gateway to a powerful and feature-rich online store. With our expertise, we create fully customized ecommerce platforms using Laravel, one of the most robust and secure PHP frameworks.

Our Laravel Restful API Development service offers a cutting-edge solution for businesses seeking to build robust, scalable, and efficient APIs.

Our Laravel Maintenance and Support service is here to ensure your Laravel-based web applications run smoothly and securely. With regular updates, bug fixes, and performance enhancements, we keep your Laravel application in top shape, reducing downtime and potential vulnerabilities.

Our Laravel Extension Development service is your key to unlocking the full potential of your Laravel-based applications.

Our Laravel Migration and Upgradation service is your solution for keeping your Laravel applications up-to-date and running smoothly.

{ Advantages }

Choosing the Best Laravel Development Company

01. Agile Development Approach

We focus on customer delight throughout the Vue.js web and mobile development and strive to deliver the best solution in shorter sprints. We house a team of skilled Vue.js front-end developers, certified scrum masters, and product owners with an agile mindset working closely with our customers.

02.Upgraded Laravel Version

Our developers are committed to keeping pace with the latest Laravel updates and innovations. By actively engaging with recent blogs and resources, they ensure your project is enhanced with the newest features and advanced coding standards, optimizing both quality and efficiency

03. No charge for Project Manager

Our team has a project manager or Team Lead who actively connected with you and keep you updated daily basis. there is no cost you have to pay for involvement of Project manager. Even with a lot of experience, some challenges can be tough to solve. That's where our project manager comes in, providing guidance to help overcome obstacles and improve the performance.

04. Security

We offer advanced security practices by leveraging in-built authentication and authorization systems, adopting best practices like using PDO, privilege, and secure handling for securing websites from XSS, request forgery, and SQL injection, and faster debugging.
{ technologies }

Topmost Technologies We Use to Build Apps Using in design

Frontend to work best with Laravel



HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. It is the fifth and final major HTML version that is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation.


Laravel Livewire


Laravel Livewire is a library that makes it simple to build modern, reactive, dynamic interfaces using Laravel Blade as your templating language.



VueJS is primarily used to build web interfaces and one-page applications. In saying that, it can also be applied to both desktop and mobile app development thanks to the HTML extensions and JS base working in tandem with an Electron framework – making it a heavily favoured frontend tool.



Tailwind CSS is the framework that scale on large teams. It's easy to customize, adapts to any design, and the build size is tiny. It's similar to bootstrap framework which composed to build any design, directly in your markup.



It's used for building interactive user interfaces and web applications quickly and efficiently with significantly less code than you would with vanilla JavaScript. In React, you develop your applications by creating reusable components that you can think of as independent Lego blocks



Next. js is a JavaScript framework that enables you to build superfast and extremely user-friendly static websites, as well as web applications using React. In fact, thanks to Automatic Static Optimization, “static” and “dynamic” become one now.



Framework7 is a free and open source mobile HTML framework to develop hybrid mobile apps or web apps with iOS native look and feel. All you need to make it work is a simple HTML layout and attached framework's CSS and JS files. Framework7 is a tool in the Cross-Platform Mobile Development category of a tech stack.



jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax. It is free, open-source software.

Frontend to work best with Laravel



Lumen utilizes the Illuminate components that power the Laravel framework. As such, Lumen is built to painlessly upgrade directly to Laravel when needed; for example, when you discover that you need more features out of the box than what Lumen offers.



Vapor abstracts the complexity of managing Laravel applications on AWS Lambda, as well as interfacing those applications with SQS queues, databases, Redis clusters, networks, CloudFront CDN, and more. Some highlights of Vapor's features include: Auto-scaling web / queue infrastructure fine tuned for Laravel.



Laravel Forge is a server management and application deployment service. Forge takes the pain and hassle out of deploying servers and can be used to launch your next website.



Laravel Nova is a beautiful administration dashboard for Laravel applications. The primary feature of Nova is the ability to administer your underlying database records using Eloquent. Nova accomplishes this by allowing you to define a Nova "resource" that corresponds to each Eloquent model in your application.



Laravel Homestead is an official, pre-packaged Vagrant box that provides you a wonderful development environment without requiring you to install PHP, a web server, and any other server software on your local machine.



Laravel Cashier provides an expressive, fluent interface to Stripe's and Braintree's subscription billing services.



Laravel Echo is a JavaScript library that makes it painless to subscribe to channels and listen for events broadcast by your server-side broadcasting driver. You may install Echo via the NPM package manager. In this example, we will also install the pusher-js package.



Laravel Spark allows you to define subscription plans for your application and provides your customers with a convenient billing portal. From the Spark billing portal, customers can subscribe to plans, update their plan, update their payment information, and download their invoices.

Frontend to work best with Laravel



Git is a DevOps tool used for source code management. It is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together on non-linear development.



Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, test, and deploy applications quickly. Docker packages software into standardized units called containers that have everything the software needs to run including libraries, system tools, code, and runtime.



Creating a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline for a Laravel app brings automation and efficiency to the development and deployment process. . By setting up CI/CD, you can automate tasks like testing, building, and deploying your Laravel application.



NGINX server can be used in a Laravel app as a web server to handle incoming HTTP requests. It acts as a reverse proxy, forwarding requests to the appropriate Laravel routes and serving the corresponding responses. NGINX is often preferred for its performance, scalability, and ability to handle concurrent connections efficiently, making it a popular choice for hosting Laravel applications in production environments.



AWS has been specifically created to enable application providers, ISVs, and vendors to rapidly and securely host their applications, be it an existing one or a brand new SaaS-based application. Accessing AWS's application hosting platform can be done through either the user-friendly AWS Management Console or the extensively documented web services APIs.



Microsoft Azure services are prevalent across all sectors, supporting application hosting, data storage, analysis, software development, machine learning, AI, and more. Azure services find extensive utilization across diverse industries, facilitating application deployment, data storage, analysis, software development, machine learning, AI, and various other functionalities.

Google Cloud


The Google Cloud console offers a user-friendly interface to efficiently handle your Google Cloud projects and resources. Whether starting a new project or selecting an existing one, the console empowers you to utilize the resources within the project seamlessly.

{ Laravel Development Experts }

Why choose codetrinity for Laravel Development Service?

{ Laravel Development Experts }

Why choose codetrinity for Laravel Development Service?

{ Laravel Development Experts }

Why choose codetrinity for Laravel Development Service?

3 Years of minimum experience

Always work on upgraded Laravel Version

Integrity and Transparency

Highly skilled and certified developers

Daily Reporting

Flexible Project Engagement Model

No-Obligation Free Quotes

{ Hiring models to hire Web developers (Starting from 12$/hour)}

We will provide you with remote Web App developers that work from India. Contact us to take a look at CVs.


Part Time Hiring

  • Duration: 4 Hrs/Day
  • Working: 5 Days/Week (80 Hrs/Month)
  • Billing: Monthly
  • Timeline: Based on Project

Full Time Hiring

  • Duration: 8 Hrs/Day - 5 Days/Week (160 Hrs/Month)
  • Billing: Monthly
  • Timeline: Based on Project

Milestone Hiring

  • Duration: 8 Hrs/Day - 5 Days/Week
  • Billing: Weekly / Monthly / Daily
  • Timeline: Based on Project

Laravel Development
Company, Since 2017.

Classic Informatics accelerates product development for startups, SMEs, digital agencies, and diverse businesses.

Combining technical prowess and design thinking, we empower businesses to revolutionize their operational strategies.

{ FAQS }

How Can Codetrinity Help You?

VueJS is certainly the best Frontend framework for Laravel as it is officially supported by Laravel. Though it is important to note that Backend & Frontend are independent of each other, so choosing a backend technology is based on the nature and application of the backend.

Yes. Laravel offers features and options to scale your app to any number of users and usage scenarios.

The ideal choice for an app depends on the nature of the app, its usage and its purpose. Laravel is based upon Symfony and is fit for some cases, others might perform better when built in CakePHP. Consult with our experts to know what suits your needs.

Laravel offers the right tools & great ideas to develop websites faster, stable and easy to maintain. Its expressive migration system, excellence inversion of control container and firmly integration unit testing assistance aids you build any app with which you’re tasked.

Laravel is well-known for its out-of-box security frameworks with its outstanding security features. Authentication system, protection against XSS & SQL injection, security packages and improved application security are the names of few security features.

To begin collaboration, please reach out to us at info@codetrinity.com or submit your requirements through our inquiry form. Expect a response from our team within 8 to 12 hours. Our sales team will then provide you with the CVs of suitable developers based on your needs. After interviewing and selecting your preferred candidates, we'll proceed with the NDA signing to commence work on your project

Yes, All of our resources are skilled and guided to work with Agile methodology.


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